This Before and After is of our Master Bedroom. It's still a little bit of a work in progress. But I wanted to make this post mostly about the paint colors I used.

BEFORE: This is the ugliest color on earth! A fleshy peach color that ruled the WHOLE house!

So behind the bed I painted that wall a greenish/blue color from Pottery Barn called Wythe Blue.

Then I painted a taupe brown around the bottom of the rest of the room. It's a color called CityScape from the new Martha Stewart line at Home Depot. It's an amazing color! Can I just say that I love colors that can't decide what they are. For example this color is really taupey in my room but a warm grey in the bathroom! I also thought the paint went on really well and it's not very expensive either!

I did this damask stencil in our last house, but I really loved it so I did it again. The top color above CityScape is call Turtle Dove from BEHR and it is also my new love! It's this great blueish, green with even a hint of yellow. It's so vintage-y, it reminds me of the Palace of Versailles.
I could look at it all day.
To do the stencil, apply the top color over the dark, to give it a "bleeding" effect.

More Wythe Blue
So I now enjoying being in this room soooo much more! No more peachy flesh!